Welcome to the EE Monitor!
This website offers high-resolution information on the nature compatibility of the energy transition in Germany.
Is the expansion of renewable energies taking place in a way that is compatible with nature? The expansion of renewable energies affects species, habitats and landscapes: Power lines, wind energy plants, photovoltaic systems and other technologies for the use of renewable energies require space and their expansion interferes with the habitats of animal and plant species and the landscape. Whether the expansion of renewable energies is compatible with nature depends on many factors. Against this background, the EE-Monitor provides a scientifically sound basis for a social debate on the nature-friendly expansion of renewable energies in Germany. The EE-Monitor supports the identification of undesirable developments and positive trends in the expansion of renewable energy.
The EE-Monitor will grow in two ways!
Proportion of ground-mounted PV systems on the 500-metre strip next to transport routes and locations inside and outside the strip
Update: Updated location data for renewables
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Indicator highlights
Monitoring web applications
The EE-Monitor currently provides two web applications that offer data-based access to the nature-compatible expansion of renewable energies in Germany. Firstly, a monitoring set with 41 indicators that can be used to show the nature compatibility of the expansion on a supra-regional and region-specific basis. Secondly, a high-resolution representation of RE plant locations that shows the temporal and spatial development of RE expansion at plant level.
What is the distance between wind turbines and protected areas? How many kilometers of overhead lines cross the landscapes of the Federal Republic? What percentage of photovoltaics is generated on roofs? By specifically selecting a key figure, answers to these questions can be found. The dashboard visualizes the key figures on a supra-regional basis. The regional report, on the other hand, presents the key figure values for a county, a federal state or the whole of Germany.
Location data of RE plants in Germany
Where are RE plants located in Germany? The web GIS application contains the cartographic representation of the location data including selected plant parameters. It thus represents the development of renewable energies for electricity generation (wind energy, photovoltaics, bioenergy, hydropower) until 2020 in Germany.
The research project is supported by the german Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the german Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.