Press releases

 • press release Nanoplastics at lofty heights
UFZ researchers detect microscopic plastic particles on alpine glaciers with the help of mountaineers

Graduate School HIGRADE: Profile of the day

profile_photo_Daniel Vedder
Daniel Vedder (Germany)
Biodiversity and People
Research topic:

I am a computational ecologist trying to understand how farming practices and biodiversity influence each other. Specifically, I look at how different measures in the EU's Common Agricultural Policy affect biodiversity and ecosystem services at a landscape scale. I use individual-based modelling to explore different scenarios, and work together with farmers, economists, and policy-makers to make sure my work is relevant to the people it most concerns.

Profile Daniel Vedder »


13.03.2025 - 14.03.2025 | workshop | Leipziger Kubus
27th UFZ workshop "Population biology of butterflies and damselflies"

15.03.2025 10:00 - 20:00 | convention | Leipziger Kubus
20 years of butterfly monitoring in Germany

Anniversary celebration

25.03.2025 17:00 - 20:00 | Other
40. Leipziger Umweltstammtisch

Entwicklungen in der regionalen Energie- und Wärmeversorgung

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