New Scientific Director
"We want to be pioneers"
The UFZ has a new Scientific Director since September 1st.: Prof Dr Katrin Böhning-Gaese. In this interview, the biologist, who was previously Director of the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt am Main, describes her plans for the UFZ, explains her criticism of the concept of planetary boundaries and describes the model project on bird diversity that she wants to implement at the UFZ. And she explains why she is looking forward to a trip to the Saale-Unstrut region.
Oder Fish Mortality in 2022
Micropollutants amplify the effect of brackish water algae
Excessive salinity, high water temperatures, low water levels and excessive inputs of nutrients and wastewater – this mix triggered the environmental disaster in the Oder River in East Germany in the summer of 2022. A large part of the fish, mussels and snails were killed. A scientific team coordinated by the UFZ has reported in the journal Nature Water that high concentrations of organic micropollutants exacerbated the deadly effects of the algal toxin prymnesin.
UFZ Forest Condition Monitor
This is how it looks in the forest
It is known that Germany's forests are not doing well. However, until now there has been a lack of detailed data on how the condition of forests has changed over time. The UFZ developed a Forest Condition Monitor based on satellite data, which present the condition of forest areas with a spatial resolution of 20 meters. The maps show a significant increase in damaged forests between 2016 and 2022, particularly in the Harz Mountains, Sauerland and Saxon Switzerland.
"Extreme Weather Risk"
Climate change is making the weather more and more unpredictable. Hail, storms, and heavy rain are on the increase. Whether the situation will worsen and what measures are necessary and possible is shown in this interesting report. As protagonists UFZ aquatic ecologists Prof Dr Markus Weitere and Dr Patrick Fink among others explain the consequences of extreme weather using the example of river Holtemme in the Harz Mountains (Germany).
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Effects on brain development and function
PFAS, which are found in cosmetics, outdoor clothing and coated cookware, for example, are difficult to break down. They can lead to liver damage, obesity, hormonal disorders and cancer. UFZ researchers have now investigated how PFAS affect the brain. Their test method could be used for the risk assessment of other neurotoxic chemicals, they write in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. They used a combination of modern molecular biology methods and the zebrafish model.
COP29 Background Paper
Will the quantum leap in climate financing succeed?
The 29th World Climate Conference will take place in Baku from November 11-22. The international community wants to renegotiate global climate financing there. UFZ climate economist Prof Dr Reimund Schwarze and science editor Ralf Röchert have published a political background paper on this topic on behalf of the German Climate Consortium. Climate financing should not only be determined by the donor countries' willingness to pay, but also by the needs of the recipient countries.
The role of floodplains for flood, climate and species protection
Floodplains are not only among the most species-rich habitats in Central Europe, they also improve water quality and make an important contribution to flood and climate protection. However, humans have greatly altered many riverine landscapes. In this film, UFZ floodplain ecologist Dr Mathias Scholz explains how parts of the floodplain landscape between Leipzig and Schkeuditz have been restored to a living and functioning ecosystem.
Insect Extinction
What are the benefits of insect hotels?
Insect hotels look pretty and give the good feeling of doing something for biodiversity. But the question is: Is this really the case? UFZ biologist Dr Hanna Honchar explains the pros and cons of insect hotels and what needs to be considered when building them. Her conclusion: Although the hotels are only a small drop in the ocean in the fight against insect extinction, they are an additional nesting opportunity and raise awareness of nature.
ARD join-in campaign: The results
Since May, ARD presenter Jessy Wellmer and actor Sebastian Bezzel have been promoting a participatory campaign calling on people across Germany to check the habitat quality of streams and document their observations in a questionnaire. The analysis of the more than 2,700 observations received by the end of September by UFZ/iDiv researchers led by Prof Aletta Bonn shows that around 76 per cent of the stream sections are not in a good state.
Prof Dr Jakob Zscheischler
UFZ climate scientist Jakob Zscheischler researches compound weather and climate events that have a negative impact on society and ecosystems. This includes, for example, the simultaneous occurrence of drought and heat waves, which leads to crop failures or forest fires. The aim is to investigate their causes and better predict such extreme events. To do this, he relies on simulations of climate and climate impact models as well as machine learning.
Biodiversity Fact Check
Around 10,000 animal, plant and fungal species are endangered in Germany, 60 percent of the 93 habitat types examined are in an inadequate or poor condition – these are two key findings from the biodiversity fact check. The fact check is intended to show the state of biodiversity in Germany and what measures can be taken to protect it. Around 150 scientists, including numerous UFZ researchers, have evaluated 6,000 publications.
Facade greenings have many positive effects: They cool on hot days, improve air quality and provide a habitat for wild bees and butterflies. In the "Living Walls" project, the UFZ, in cooperation with the housing company Leipziger Wohnungs- und Baugesellschaft (LWB) and other partners, is investigating how greenery improves the climate and biodiversity. To this end, the UFZ has planted plants on exposed facades of the LWB and will accompany the pilot project over the next few years.
Prof Dr Katrin Böhning-Gaese
At its 116th annual conference in Stuttgart in September, the German Zoological Society honoured Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Scientific Director of the UFZ, with the Karl Ritter von Frisch Medal. She not only successfully tackles the challenges of complex research questions in biodiversity and land use research, but also continuously communicates her expertise to politics and society, the statement said.
Dr Rui Ying Rachel Oh
Biologist Rui Ying Rachel Oh, postdoctoral researcher in the UFZ/iDiv department Biodiversity and People, was awarded the GFÖ Prize 2024 by the Society for Ecology. The jury honoured her outstanding scientific work in ecological research, the quality of her communication activities and her commitment to supporting young scientists. The prize is endowed with €10,000 and is awarded every two years.
Julia von Gönner
Julia von Gönner, biologist at UFZ and iDiv, has been awarded the BMBF prize "Knowledge of the Many - Research Prize for Citizen Science". This honours her excellent research work as part of the FLOW citizen science project. In FLOW, more than 900 volunteers investigated the ecological status of over 130 small watercourses according to scientific standards between 2021 and 2023. The prize is endowed with €20,000.
Prof Dr Karsten Rinke
Biologist Karsten Rinke, Head of the UFZ Department Lake Research, has been appointed to the Climate Council of the City of Magdeburg. The 18-member, voluntary committee is tasked with helping the city council and administration to implement the climate protection measures described in the "100% Climate Protection Master Plan" and achieve Magdeburg's climate targets. Magdeburg aims to become CO2-neutral by 2035.
DBU digital: Analysis of the World Biodiversity Conference COP16
November 5 I Discussion I 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr I Digital
The World Biodiversity Conference (COP 16) took place in Cali (Columbia) from October 21 to November 1. What important decisions have been made there? How should they be assessed? What tasks does this entail for Germany? At this DBU digital event entitled "After the World Biodiversity Summit - how do we save biodiversity?", several experts such as agroecologist Prof Dr Josef Settele from UFZ will be discussing these questions.
Inauguration of the new Scientific Director of the UFZ
November 27 I 17:00 – 21:00 Uhr I by invitation only I UFZ Leipzig
The new Scientific UFZ Director, Prof Dr Katrin Böhning-Gaese, will be officially inaugurated on November 27. Around 250 invited guests from business, science and politics are expected at the UFZ. The program includes a panel discussion on science policy issues and a lecture by the renowned biodiversity researcher Katrin Böhning-Gaese on the topic of "Humans and the Environment in the Anthropocene".
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Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig Text / image editing: Susanne Hufe • Benjamin Haerdle • Doris Wolst I presse@ufz.de Photo credits: Sebastian Wiedling I UFZ • Luc De Meester I IGB • Sebastian Gutsfeld I UFZ • German Climate Consortium • Deutsche Welle TV • Christoph I AdobeStock • ARD • oekom-Verlag • Sachsen-Fernsehen • Peter Kiefer • Stefan Bernhard I iDiv • André Künzelmann I UFZ
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